
Family Ministry views the entire church body as the “Family of God.” God has a plan for each generation. At Tabernacle Holy Gospel Church, each ministry is designed to fulfill our intent to make whole disciples in every generation. You can find ministries for specific age groups, seasons of life, as well as several ‘specialized’ ministries for those who share a common interest or passion.



“These commandments that I give you today are to be on your hearts.  Impress them on your children. Talk about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up.” — Deuteronomy 6:6-7

“We will not hide them from their descendants, we will tell the next generation, the praiseworthy deeds of the Lord, his power, and the wonders he has done.” –Psalm 78:4

Scripture clearly articulates the duty of parents, grandparents, and invested adults to instruct children in the things of the Lord. Every generation of Christians bears the responsibility of handing down what they have received—the testimony of who God is and what He has done—to the next generation. When it comes to passing on this precious story, we don’t need to over-complicate it. In Deuteronomy 6, Moses doesn’t give us a program, manual, or an overcooked strategy for discipleship. Moses simply encourages us to seize the moment.

Life is busy. The thought of adding something else to your already full schedule generates more anxiety than anticipation. Here’s how you keep your priority to impress truth upon the hearts of your kids. Your greatest mission will be best accomplished through this simple, daily practice. Just seize the moment.

Here is what this can look like…

  • As you drive your kids to school, turn the radio off and pray for them. It’s probably going to be short and simple, but it opens the opportunity for them to share their concerns with you. Seize the moment to impress their hearts that God cares about our daily struggles.
  • It’s time for dinner and you finally get a chance to sit down together…Put the phones away and seize the moment. Let them know what you read in the Bible today or how you handled a conflict with patience.
  • It’s Sunday morning at church, and you notice a couple of teens in service. Seize the moment! Introduce yourself, get to know them, and ask how you can pray for them.
  • It’s been a long day. You left work, cooked dinner, brought your kid to practice, picked them up, convinced them to finish their homework, and now you made it…it’s bed-time. Before you turn off the lights, seize the moment. Ask your children (no matter their ages), “What is God doing in your life?” “Do you have anything you would like to talk about?” Pray for them and let them know that God is good and always near.
  • These verses bring tremendous encouragement. Reaching and discipling the next generation doesn’t have to be complicated. Just seize the moment. Read scripture together, play your family’s favorite worship music at home, and share how much you love Jesus. Kids will always catch what we project!


“And because you are sons, God has set forth the Spirit of His Son into your hearts crying out, “Abba, Father!”. Therefore, you are no longer a slave but a son, and if a son, than an heir of God through Christ.” Galatians 4:6-7

Whoa. Read that again and allow it to sink in and become food for you. God’s Spirit is living in you. The most powerful living being in existence has made your heart His dwelling place. Incredible! It’s the checkmate to every fear, worry, disappointment, and hurt that you’ve experienced. The Spirit of Jesus Christ, the same Spirit that raised Him from the dead and set the early church on fire, is burning now in you…in each of us! Since this is a fact, how in the world can we ever view life, work, parenting, and church the same? Why would we settle for anything less than the adventure of the kingdom mission? Why are we constantly lowering the bar of what it means to be a Christian? Why be merely consumers, when we’ve been given the opportunity to be so much more?

The baptism of the Holy Spirit came with both power and ability for us to live a more victorious life in Jesus Christ. Here are some thoughts on what this can mean for you…

1. Let go of your hurts. The consequence of having the Holy Spirit living in you is there will be fruit. But, the fruits of offense and bitterness are not of God’s Spirit. Once you’ve recognized that fruit, take it off the vine and throw it away. You have what you need. Now, raise the bar.

2. You have what it takes to finish. Don’t step back from what you believe God has called you todo because of disappointment. Stop allowing people to talk you out of your convictions. With the Holy Spirit living in you, you have what it takes to finish the job. Raise the bar.

3. Put aside your strategies. Things don’t always work out the way we think they will. Stop stressing out. Give your cares to God and trust Him! Raise the bar.

4. Stop being a consumer. You’re equipped for mission, adventure, and battle! Share the gospel. Lead your family and pray with them. Repent of apathy, offenses, and anything else God reveals in your heart, that is rooted in selfishness. Serve with a grateful heart. Raise the bar.

Let it sink in…You have God’s living, active, and powerful Spirit living in you. Let us raise the bar again of what it means to be a Christian!